Industrial Tape

Fiberglass Products

Fire Blanket

Berkat Jaya Mandiri

We, Berkat Jaya Mandiri, are a company engaged in the sale of the most complete and reliable products and various industrial needs. Based in Jakarta, we are experienced in the procurement of goods such as PVC, silicone, fiberglass, PTFE Teflon, dampening materials, gland packing to safety equipment. Along with the times, the need for products and industrial needs is getting higher, this is because there is a lot of fabrication and manufacturing of machine tools and mechanics in Indonesia. Berkat Jaya Mandiri is widely known as a supplier, distributor and sales center for various industrial products for various types, types and brands. Our products have been widely used for various fields of fabrication, both large and small scale. Excellent product quality and service is what we always prioritize. With this, we gain the full trust of our customers as the number one specialist and sales center for various industrial needs in Indonesia. We present a variety of superior products, including the following: - Acrylic, Gasket, Gland Gasket, Gasket - Fiber Fabric, Ceramic Fiber Fabric, Heat Resistant Fiber Fabric, Aluminum Fabric, Aluminum Fiber Fabric, Felt Wool / Vilt Wool Fabric, Teflon Fabric - Nylon Sheet & Rod, Cast Nylon Sheet & Rod, Teflon Sheet & Rod, Polyurethane (PU) Sheet & Rod - PVC Sheet, PVC Curtain - Polycarbonate Sheet, Polypropylene Sheet / PP Sheet, Pertink Sheet, Tink Rod - Sheet Rubber, List Rubber, Antistatic Rubber, Conveyor Rubber, Oring Rubber, Silicone Hose, Teflon Hose - Insulation duct tape, Aluminum duct tape, Polyethylene duct tape (PE duct tape), Fiber duct tape - Silicone Sheet - Slab Graphite - Brake canvass - Industrial Welding Wire - Etc Trust us only for your industrial goods needs, Berkat Jaya Mandiri as the most complete distributor and supplier of industrial goods at affordable prices. Please contact us for detailed info, on the contact provided on the website.

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Supplier Barang Kebutuhan Industri

Berkat Jaya Mandiri bergerak dalam bidang penjualan berbagai barang kebutuhan industri terlengkap seperti karet magnetPVC lembaran, fiberglass, selang PTFE teflon, akrilik lembaran, tirai PVC (strip dan bentuk jadi), material peredam suara, aluminium tape dan lain sebagainya. Berlokasi di Jakarta Barat, kami menghadirkan produk - produk unggulan dari berbagai brand ternama di Indonesia yang tentunya tidak perlu diragukan lagi kualitas dan keunggulannya.
Didukung oleh staf dan tim profesional dan berpengalaman dibidangnya, kami terus berkembang pesat sebagai pusat penyedia dan supplier barang kebutuhan industri terlengkap dan terpercaya.
Kami, Berkat jaya Mandiri terus berkomitmen untuk menjadi mitra terbaik Anda dalam penyedia berbagai produk - produk industrial di berbagai sektor bisnis seperti otomotif, konstruksi, machinery, pabrik, manufaktur dan lain sebagainya. mengutamakan mutu produk dan kualitas pelayanan yang prima, menjadikan kami mendapatan kepercayaan sebagai vendor pengadaan barang kebutuhan industri terbaik di Indonesia.
Untuk info detail, pemesanan, harga dan order silahkan hubungi kami pada contact yang tersedia di website ini.